Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury
Level Basic Advanced Military International

Social Security Workout

Lump-Sum Benefit Payments

Case Study 1: Lump-Sum Benefit Payments

Last year, Jane applied for Social Security disability benefits but was told she was ineligible. She appealed the decision and won. In 2020, she received a lump-sum payment of $6,000, of which $2,000 was for 2019 and $4,000 was for 2020. Jane also received $5000 in Social Security benefits in 2020, so her 2020 Form SSA-1099 shows benefits paid of $11,000.

Jane had other taxable income in 2019 and 2020. She should figure her taxable benefits under the lump-sum election method to see if it is lower.

Click here for an explanation.

Publication 915
Publication 4012, Form SSA 1099-R

Publication 915

Publication 4012, Form SSA 1099-R