Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury
Module 1: Payroll Taxes and Federal Income Tax Withholding

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Sim 1: Completing Form W-4
Simulation Info: Lawrence Red Owl; Marital status: Single; Background: In May you graduated from college and you got a job as a manager at a mall clothing store.

You are not married. You have no children. No one else depends on you for income or support.

In May, you graduated from college with a degree in marketing.

Congratulations! In June, you get a job as the manager of a clothing store in the mall. You will be paid a weekly salary and bonus based on store sales. You will begin work on July 1. You want to impress your employer, so you will work only for the clothing store, giving the job all your time and effort.

To review your personal information, click My Profile below.

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